Top Tips For Endurance Racing Beginners
Top Tips For Endurance Racing Beginners – Starting to delve into the world of higher mileage running? Way to go! These 25 tips for long distance running should help you with all the main aspects of training and racing. From nutrition to gear to running tips, you’ll find a ton of useful information to help you prepare for anything from a half marathon to an ultra.
Sometimes when people start long distance training they worry because they may only be able to do 3 miles now, so training for a marathon which is 26.2 miles seems so far out of reach. The thing is, it’s not out of reach at all. All you need is consistency and a good chunk of time, and you’ll find that your body can do amazing things!
Top Tips For Endurance Racing Beginners
There is a small exception for the first start of lower mileage … Read the rest