Tag Archives: Motocross Track

How To Build A Backyard Motocross Track

How To Build A Backyard Motocross Track – For dirt bike enthusiasts, the call of the wind is undeniable, and what better way to answer that call than by taking you on a gravity-defying dance with a perfectly sculpted jump. ? For those lucky enough to live near a motocross track, you can probably log plenty of practice hours, otherwise you might be considering building something on your property. Different types of jumps offer unique riding experiences and challenges, and some are easier to build than others. Dust off your shovel, and let’s explore the world of dirt bike jumps and how to make one at home.

There are several types of dirt bike jumps that you will encounter on a motocross track and they vary in size and difficulty. Especially if you are new to the sport, it is important to understand the different types of jumps and then … Read the rest